Then, with each lost tooth your child can leave a note to the Tooth Fairy in the container, and she can leave them a note, or a small gift, coins–whatever fits inside the container. Scroll to the bottom of this post for ideas or explore Pinterest for inspiration. Include a small note from the Tooth Fairy inside the container explaining what it’s for. Get crafty with paint, fabric, little plastic gems or stickers, but make it look special. Look around for any small container: mint tins, small pill bottles, a tiny velvet jewelry box, even a used up tube of lip balm! You could also use (or make) a small fabric pouch. This DIY project just needs a little imagination and creativity. If your little angel just lost their first tooth, this is your chance to skip the money altogether! The Tooth Fairy can give a practical gift: a small container to hold future teeth so she can find them under their pillow easily.This would also be a great time to give your child a new toothbrush! (They should be replaced every three months or after your child gets sick anyway.) Not to say the tooth has to be perfect, but rather, this is an excellent opportunity to teach your child about the importance of keeping their teeth healthy (but you’ve been doing that since their first tooth appeared, right?) Let them know that the Tooth Fairy expects them to brush two times each day and floss between teeth every day too. First off, since we work for the Tooth Fairy, we can tell you that oral hygiene is of utmost importance to her.We’ve got some great ways to be sure the Tooth Fairy has a little something to slip under their pillow. Whatever the reason may be for the Tooth Fairy’s empty pockets, there’s no reason to wake up to a disappointed kiddo.